Regarding p. 101, I have long thought that art should be available or accessible to all, but it is not for all, because all do not have enough of an aptitude for it. That is not a socioeconomic issue or a matter of upbringing but a matter of nature, since said aptitude is a natural quality. It can be brought out and developed, but it cannot be created out of nothing. If it is not there, it cannot be put there.

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A friend once declared, as we floated around on inner tubes on a lake in Texas, "It's all subjective. There's no such thing as objective." I just listened. Later, while driving from 1970s Austin (all gone) to 1970s New Orleans (all gone), I thought, if it's all subjective, then, any type of perception, including objective, is a subhead under "Subjective." That's as far as I went with it, but it has stayed with me, and your mention of phenomenology brought it back to mind.

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This essay is particularly meaningful to me. Thank you.

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