

Yeah! ~

"The Art World" is like calling supermarkets "The Food World."

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Stealing this.

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I call it the Regime

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That'd be a great term for the associated style.

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I like your use of "culture workers," which you surely realize immediately invokes the term "sex workers." The implications should be obvious enough that they need not be elaborated on.

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What's better is that this is what they call themselves.


It's the biggest free gift since "cluster hire."


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No doubt they also "get it," but rather than being bothered by the implicit vulgarity, they probably think it's clever or even witty. I pity the fools--or I would if I could manage it.

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I still feel like the "Art World Establishment" easily covers the spectrum critics, auction houses, dealers, galleries and publications that make up the so-called mono-culture ecosystem. Honestly, I fail to see how things are demonstrably worse than they were 30 years ago when the same "art world" hailed as genius a guy who plopped snails into paint and set them onto a canvas. Or adored so-called Performance Pieces that were nothing more than infantile shock theater pieces, facile critiques of "consumerism" featuring photos of a dollar store... Do a search of Iconic Visual art in the 90s and there is truly very little "there" to applaud, and yet: it was and sold for many millions.

My question always comes around to: Why even bother? Why try and fix, comment on, fight with or otherwise engage with a system that probably hasn't been much use to anyone for a good 75 years? It's like when an adult child keeps trying to engage with, or seek approval of, their abusive, neglectful alcoholic parent. At a certain point it's time to just move on. If they decide to clean up and come around again, that's on them.

The fact is, there is an ASTOUNDING amount of beautiful, thoughtful and extremely well-crafted Art out there. From what I can tell the hardly any of it gets sold or shown via the Art Establishment. Artists post work on Instagram, self-fund and have their own online sales platforms, organize their own gallery shows and just circumvent the entire dead Art Establishment.

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"The establishment," like I said, is closer to what I want. But in fact not every aspect of the establishment is dead, and I would like to be in a position to reward it when it gets something right, which it occasionally does. Not everything in the establishment is Monoculture. Otherwise, sure, much of what is going on of interest gets no play at all and the creation of our own platforms is key to the polyculture.

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And the Monoculture, of course, presumes to be the best to be had and the only one needed. The name implies the entity is invested in being The One--not unlike the Queen in Snow White.

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