Great little piece, and true enough about a seeming dearth of individualism in these times. I say seeming because it's probably out there, but we live in a very noisey time indeed.

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Individualism is not the thing. What's wanted, even desperately wanted, is to be certifiably and conspicuously fashionable--correctly fashionable, of course. I suppose it's understandable, as it is easier to go along and conform than make one's own way with what one really is. Too many are too weak or insecure or simply cynically opportunistic, so they can't or won't be themselves and opt to follow the prescribed and approved recipe or formula. This has always happened, but not always as virulently and oppressively as now, because now it is not so much about fashion as about power.

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Thanks for this, i hadn't heard of her. I agree, I am desperate to see and hear (and be one of despite everything) interesting people living life to the full and making art, not just being ad nauseum 'homo vaccinus'.

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