As for art critics, the key issue is not professional ones. What matters most is that all who care about art be their own critic, always and without fail, based on personal taste, understanding and judgment. People who need to be told what art to like and why they should like it are not only missing the point but probably wasting their time. They should pursue something they can connect with directly.

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People are not born knowing how to coalesce their impressions about art into something they can communicate. It's useful even to people who see art well to have good criticism as a reference, and the loss of criticism is both detrimental to the field and indicative that something has gone wrong with it.

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I was not implying there is no place or use for good professional critics, but that their role is to complement and supplement, not substitute for, personal individual criticism.

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I don't believe in "belonging" to any party. I don't identify as a member of any party. To me, politics is basically voting for or otherwise supporting the lesser evil, or the most rational choice. In other words, it's about going with what makes the most sense to me in the relevant circumstances.

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