I was with you for almost all the way, but I suspect you lost me and almost everyone else with: "The defeat of Biden in the next presidential election. It doesn’t matter by whom." No, I think we all can agree it DOES matter by whom if it's a former president that came a hair's breadth away from crowning himself King and toppling democracy forever. Because what we also all know is that, if defeated, Biden would in fact attend the inauguration and then peacefully walk out of the White House; just like EVERY single former head of state has for the last 200+ years.

We've had US Presidents that were crooks, cowards, incompetent and paranoid, and NOT ONE attempted to illegally hold onto to the office. This is a binary equation if there ever was one, and to claim otherwise is like meeting an otherwise intelligent and thoughtful scientist who happens to mention he's OK with flat-earth theory. It immediately calls into question everything else he said.

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It has to be said: I am not a Trump advocate, but Biden has made so much progress toward establishing a dictatorship since taking office that a second Trump term looks palatable in comparison. To my mind what the Twitter Files revealed amounted to a January 6, every hour on the hour, for three years and counting.

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OK, I hate to say it but I think it's time to get a little more honest about how government and law enforcement functions. Do you seriously think this type of thing hasn't been going on in one form or another (and often SO MUCH WORSE) than all the things you listed as "mini Jan 6th events?" It has, basically since the end of WWII. We live in a dangerous world, and both sides of Congress happily give the CIA, DHS, FBI and NSA carte blanche each and every year, ever since they were formed. That is, until one of them gets caught doing something so egregious as to border on war-crimes and then a bunch of "safe guards" are put in place. Until the next time of course. I don't agree with it, it always leads to over-reach and rarely results in making us safer. But let's not be so naive as to think the Twitter leaks showed us anything "new." We you aware that FEMA was actually a covert department all the way up until the late 90s? That its sole function was to protect the government in the event of nuclear war? Not you and I, that's for sure! It was the black box of all black boxes in terms of spending!

The FBI out-right assassinated leaders of groups they deemed "terrorist" back in the 60s and 70s... Black sites for torture that cost us our moral standing and got us no-where in terms of credible intelligence... GITMO is still open... NSA capturing every email, phone call and text in the US (again, until they caught). And no, I don't think Biden should run again either, and obviously Trump should be barred from ever doing so period.

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None of this is news to me, and none of it excuses the transgressions of recent times. "Thus it ever was" is a completely inadequate attitude to take towards executive overreach in an age of looming CDBCs, an expansion of the executive branch that makes one long for the '70s, and unprecedented computing power dedicated to surveillance.

A Trump election would have the advantage of punishing the incumbent party for its dedication to the most poisonous forms of progressivism and its dictatorial ambitions. I would prefer nearly any other Republican, and several other Democrats, but if it comes to Trump or Biden, Trump is obviously the less worse option.

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Forgive me but: Arguing between Biden & Trump is like arguing over which is better, stomach cancer or brain cancer. They are both tools of master manipulators and we are the pawns. IF we have any chance within the political arena it will be Kennedy or maaayybe DeSantis. The truth is: the power lies in the people, period. We must rise up and take back our world, mostly by exiting theirs. Stop going along with everything & anything you/we can and little by little by little we weaken their power structure and dissolve the game. WE - as an organized, organism, of collective trust, cooperation, collaboration & vision are the future. Let's claim that...ASAP.

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Charles Cooke wrote that the choice between HRC and Trump was the difference between ass cancer and ball cancer, so such is the zeitgeist. The exit is important, but it's also clear that the remainers will use their access to power to criminalize us. Freedom will require a two-pronged approach.

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Well, as far as the ass/ball controversy, you know I'm far too classy for that ')

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Why did that come out twice?? Not intended.

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Oh my god, Franklin, are you saying that Trump would be better than Biden if it was between them? I absolutely cannot fathom that idea. You've lost me on this one.

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This is going to be hard for my Democrat-leaning readers to hear, but yes. Governance has grown so weaponized against its own citizens under the Biden Administration that it would be better for American politics if the Democrats lost control of the weapons, even if it meant losing them to Trump, considered independently of Trump's merits or lack thereof.

I didn't do it on purpose, but I listed those three conditions in order of decreasing achievability and increasing importance. The fact of the matter is that DHS was known to have started abusing its powers under Trump, so the mere switch of party occupying the White House is demonstrably not adequate to put things right. But it will be necessary to start there if only to demonstrate that electoral politics is still functioning and the three-letter agencies are not merely an American Stasi.

The DHS could in theory be unmade but the will to do so would have to be much greater than it is at the moment. Stopping the flow of federal money to the colleges is basically a pipe dream. But either would have more impact than voting for The Other Guy, whoever that may be.

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