Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023Liked by Franklin Einspruch

"Using art as a tool." Do tell. There's no end of art worlders who've been doing that for quite a long time now, only I would call it using art as a pretext, or as a means to ends which have little or nothing to do with art as such. Really, Harrison needs someone to vet everything he says on record, though obviously his target audience does not include Dissident Muse types.

As for your comment languishing in moderation limbo, Franklin, let it be a lesson to you. Rather than casting pearls before, well, you know, you might as well throw bricks, as in:

"Harrison is full of it, and if he truly believes what he's saying, he's even worse off than if he's just being fashionably 'edgy.' So please, spare me, and think of your own image, why don't you."

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Yes, and yes. Now our challenge is how to move you from being a lone voice in the wilderness -- a prophet, however disdained -- to being a force that few would dare to confront -- and a force that those who pull levers & move societies will pause to consider rather than attack.

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Progressives are nothing if not selective--very. Naturally, this is related to what does and does not suit their agenda, which goes hand in hand with a glaring (but quite "normalized") double standard. This is especially galling in light of their striking propensity for virtue signaling, sort of like a corrupted and two-faced televangelist. Of course, anyone of any persuasion (real or assumed) can be corrupt and two-faced, but the least such a person can do is to avoid showboating or grandstanding.

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