Dec 14, 2023Liked by Franklin Einspruch

Tumor shrinkage is desirable but insufficient for cure. As long as viable tumor remains in the body, it can grow again and metastasize--it can even mutate into a more aggressive form of cancer.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Franklin Einspruch

When I see a new column from you I wince knowing that my scheduled arrival time in the studio will be delayed by the considerable time it will take me to work my way through your cultural observations and those mentioned in the hyper-links you so generously provide. Thank you for tirelessly standing watch over our freedoms. Even in those instances where we don't agree you make me think long and hard.

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Jan 3Liked by Franklin Einspruch

If anyone deserves a place on the pillory, it was Gay. Harvard didn't just ignore her suspect credentials, which required nothing more than a Google Scholar search, or her plagiarism, which was well known to many, they also ignored her reprehensible behavior. She was a vicious bureaucratic infighter who took down other far more distinguished black scholars with what appeared to be deliberate malice.

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Maybe Jewish men could attend the original Harvard but they’d be subject, like every other student, to mandatory chapel and Christian studies classes. The point is, there’s nothing stopping any other group from starting their own schools, businesses, etc., to compete with institutions such as Harvard. Wasn’t Brandeis founded by and for Jews? We make a big deal of Historical Black Colleges like Howard University. But everybody wants to go to Historical White Colleges, which are now being destroyed by the interlopers and their white liberal enablers. Why?

Because these hostile groups – including feminists – to their horror, discovered they couldn’t compete against white men fair and square, and developed a parasite strategy. [I think Jews could have competed very well against Harvard, but Howard or Wellesley not so much.] And, because western white men created an overly-rational, bureaucratic civilization (Age of Reason), instead of maintaining a genetic and religious identity (like the Jews, blacks, Chinese, Indians, well, everyone else on the planet) in their over-weening hubris they, white men, have invited Nemesis.

So, instead of ingratiating themselves like parasites described by Lucian in his essay, Parasitic as an Art, the “disadvantaged” and “marginalized” can now simply demand various entitlements from an inhuman system, rather than wealthy individuals. So, they quite naturally act entitled and spiteful to their benefactors. Nobody likes to admit they’re a parasite, after all.

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Harvard cancelling Auchincloss was either clumsy and stupid or, more likely, a manifestation of the presumption of invulnerability--as in "We can do as we like, since we're ultimately untouchable." It's the same attitude as that of the New York Times, for pretty similar reasons.

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

The demand in question is basically that Jews, considered whites who just happen to be Jewish, assume/adopt white guilt as conceived and enshrined in the woke "progressive" narrative and suffer accordingly. Of course, that also allows one to be antisemitic by other means--under the cover of whiteness. It's not just a raw deal but no deal at all, and there is absolutely no obligation to accept it.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

The intifada chants (among other anti-Jewish niceties) which were permitted at Harvard, presumably as free speech, beg a rather obvious question: Would chants to "send black people back to Africa" also be permitted as free speech by Gay's administration? Just wondering.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

As for Smirky from Penn, she must be seriously bummed that her Harvard counterpart, even with a plagiarism rap, is still not going anywhere. Of course, a melanin shield and being "historic" are no small advantages, not to mention that Gay is entirely Harvard's creature or product. Thus, Harvard will not renounce her as long as it can somehow keep her in place. I'm not sure it would have helped, but maybe Smirky should have made a point of "identifying" as black.

On another front, Yale's current president, who is a white male Jew, will be stepping down soon. His replacement is virtually certain to be another DEI hire like Gay. Watch for it.

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