Buckle up it’s just starting

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Wow, you hit so many nails square on their heads! Sharing. Chag Sameach~

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And today's events are worse than yesterday's. Columbia, Yale, MIT et al. It's all abhorrent. And apparently far from over.

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Apparently a good bit of the problem involves foreign Muslim students who pay full tuition, board and so on and are thus a source of both income and "diversity" for the schools. Deportation should obviously be on the table, but I'm not holding my breath with the current administration, and the schools themselves are not likely to push that either.

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Agreed. In the face of terrorism, "authorities" are desperate to find a middle ground. Doing so never goes well.

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Oh, it's more than racist, but you know that better than I do--and so do the perpetrators.

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Does everyone think anti-Zionism is the same as anti-Jewish? Is anti-war the same as anti-Semitism? Proportionality. Are we seeing proportionality? Surgical strikes to get hostages back includes destroying every hospital and executing patients, which heretofore have been called war crimes? Confusing times.

Here is Emanuel Pastreich, Jewish, who is a hopeful presidential candidate.


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Read the link from "avoid violence when it shouldn’t have" in the post. There's a discussion that answers your question about proportionality in the affirmative.

Claims that Israel is "destroying every hospital and executing patients" demonstrate how dependent the "anti-Zionist" case is on the low-information demonizing of Israel.

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Not necessarily low-information; there's always an audience for confirmation bias.

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Well, on the bright side, maybe Columbia's President Shafik will finally realize there are anti-Semitic demonstrations on her campus, which she claimed not to have seen when she recently testified before Congress. However, going by the looks of her, she's not up to the occasion.

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May the 134 hostages you mention be still alive and, if so, not irreparably damaged, but as far as I know that is not certain or verifiable. Of course, one way or the other, the matter would be spun to the advantage of those responsible. The truth is beside the point; what counts is the PC "context."

As for claiming the current outrageous situation is an aberration of so-called progressivism, that's an old ploy regularly used to excuse or whitewash communism or socialism. In other words, it's a crock.

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In fact there are some old-school socialists who think that the new racial socialism is trash, as well as some conventional left-liberals who look around at what's going on think that people have lost their minds. The benefit of the doubt is for them.

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Yes, there are always exceptions, but by definition they are a minority and rarely if ever enough to turn the tide. Most people want to be on the predominant bandwagon.

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I'm a "progressive," a lefty, a liberal, and all those other things (also a Jew), but I don't go along with this. I'm disgusted and angry.

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I suspect that Oriane typifies my median reader, politically. This is why I distinguish so carefully between liberal and postliberal progressives.

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I only look Jewish (or so it would appear), but this isn't just a Jewish issue and should not be seen as such. This is about civilization in general vs. barbarism.

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The bottom line is that postliberal progressivism is too dangerous for the rest of us to remain siloed. It's not a live-and-let-live political tendency like the others. It has a lot of institutional power and designs on remaking society. Thwarting that will require everyone.

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Even if Hamas and its analogs were to get their way with respect to Israel, it would not stop there. That would only incite and encourage them to go after non-Jewish "infidels," including the "Great Satan."

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I'm on a zoom call. Will check back in later.

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"Most people want to be on the predominant bandwagon." Yes, and they use this as a cudgel by saying that you should be worried about being on the wrong side of history. I've mostly heard this in regards to the trans issue (I'm a horrible evil bigot because I don't believe that people can change sex and don't believe that men should be allowed on women's sports team, etc.) but I think they say it in regards to Israel too.

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